Energy Best Deal
Energy Best Deal is a consumer education programme developed by Ofgem and Citizens Advice. The programme provides valuable information and guidance to vulnerable consumers and the frontline advice workers who work with them. It raises awareness of the savings energy consumers can make and the help available for those struggling to pay their bills. Energy Best Deal sessions provide information and guidance to consumers and frontline advice workers on how consumers:
- can reduce their energy costs by switching tariff, payment method or supplier
- know where to go for help if paying energy bills is a struggle
- save money by using less energy in their homes.
Funding for the Energy Best Deal programme is provided by a number of energy companies via Ofgem (E.ON, N Power, ScottishPower and SSE).
Energy Best Deal group sessions are aimed at vulnerable consumers who are most at risk of fuel poverty and the frontline workers who support them. Organisations delivering Energy Best Deal sessions have well established links with other local support organisations and the frontline workers and volunteers that work with people in or at risk of fuel poverty. Sessions are often held at venues working with groups such as elderly people, tenants, parents or people with health problems.